Location: United States

Monday, August 07, 2006


Well, I thought "Contagion" would sound a bit too negative.

Here's a list of the things, mundane and extraordinary, abstract and concrete, that make me think of...

-Little blue two-door Saturns
-Goo Goo Dolls
-My writing (or lack thereof)
-Making things for presents

-Wild at Heart
-Pretty Place(although Becky's wedding was the first time I'd heard of it, Jeromie's was the first time I'd been)
-Final Fantasy (you introduced me, dude)
-Heck, any temporary obsession
-Dire Straights
-Disappearing Snack Food

-Red, white, and black used together and exclusively
-Fairy tales
-Tabletop gaming
-Super Smash Bros. Melee (though you're tied with Spautz in this)
-Soul Calibur
-Woodworking (game-cabinet-making?)
-British humor
-Honesty. Brutal honesty.
-Voicing opinions
-Social butterfliery. Well, maybe mothery.
-Any use of the words Harlequin, Calibur, Arcadia, Fae, Faerie, or Bastard
-Hot Topic
-Bed, Bath, and Beyond (I know this will upset a certain someone, so...)

-Karaoke Revolution! (which this girl rocks at)

On to making more memories!

Twilight out.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Buh, buh, buh....

Phew. For good or ill, I still feel like I'm trying to catch myself. I'm inclined towards the 'ill' camp, since I have loads of work left to do on my costume with less and less time to do it in.

This past weekend I went back to Denmark to help my parents move some of their furniture from their current house to the new one they had built in the woods. It's a nice house, and big. Considering that they also renovated our River house, Denmark might not be such a bad place to host large gatherings, should the need arise...

Ah, apartment news. Well, townhouse, actually. I had a couple of options, and I chose the little house in North Charleston (Up Chuck, as I like to say) with the art gallery manager/artist and his two cats. The room I have is pretty small, actually. I only signed on for 3 months, though. By then, I hope against hope to have a full-time job and the capacity to live alone. It has been my observation that time goes by pretty fast now.

A full-time job. I need more specific criteria than that. My boss has suggested looking into shipping companies, as the port does a lot of business with them (so I guess she'd know them well). Other than that, I suppose it's back to defining what I want to do. Or who would be most impressed by a Ports Authority internship, at least.

That's about it for this time. I need to go make some time to work on my outfit, but I do myself a disservice if I don't persue true employment as aggressively. With hope, nervous hope, I leave you.

Twilight out.