If you happen to be so inclined next time you frequent a book store, you might want to look through a copy of Lake Murray Columbia. Check the table of contents, and you'll find my name down in the sketches section.
Its not much, but I hope it signifies the next step on a journey of writing. I shall see what the Fates have to say on that.
Twilight out.
If you happen to be so inclined next time you frequent a book store, you might want to look through a copy of Lake Murray Columbia. Check the table of contents, and you'll find my name down in the sketches section.
Its not much, but I hope it signifies the next step on a journey of writing. I shall see what the Fates have to say on that.
Twilight out.
Very cool!
Iffin I'da known yesterday, I woulda looked it up while I was out. Congratulations, man. That's good news.
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