Location: United States

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Son of Photopost

Two months of silence. Wow. That's impressive, in a way. And no, I don't feel ashamed or guilty for not having updated. It's rather refreshing. My life has been far from interesting the past two months, so there's been nothing to report or talk about. But today, thar be piccies!

This is from a recent bouldering outing to North Carolina I went on with Jeromie, his fiancé Liz, and Jeromie's roommate Lance. I was rendered out of commission for the first half of the day due to an unexpectedly difficult hike to the rocks and the lack of an asthma breather to loosen my subsequently tightened chest. I did, however, manage to get some decent shots of everyone else enjoying themselves and pushing their bodies.

Enjoy the pain(especially if you don't have broadband).

Trying out my camera as we started out. We're off to a great start.

Jeromie trying his luck on a particularly difficult wall, while Liz captures his posterior, uh, posterity.

Liz, this time, in her trusty red vest and blue jeans. Perfect for the girl who wants to get away from it all and hug a rock.

Jeromie climbing to the encouragement of Lance. That or he's escaping. I was far away.

Some guys on a boulder near us. A fine display of digital strength here.

Liz looking down on the rest of us. Yes, that was a double meaning. Do I have to spell everything out?

Liz, relaxing with while watching the guys climb. Posture, girl!

Lance showing us how it's done. And he kept showing. And showing.

Jeromie, prairie dog of the appalachians.

Liz, assisting. Lance, getting photographic proof. Sorry, there's already been a butt joke.

Jeromie surveying his next challenge. The sunglasses hide the tears.

Jeromie mounting the beast.

Jeromie grabbing a crevace in the beast's firm haunch.

Jeromie, victorious, and the beast submits.

The three of them practiced climbing from a prone position to hone their skills. Just looked painful to me.





I believe the title of this picture speaks for itself.

We stopped at a pizza place for a relaxing dinner. At least SOMEONE noticed the camera.

It's almost like you can FEEL his pores.

Well, that's the trip! At least from behind my camera lens. I hope you enjoyed it, and maybe, just maybe, I'll have another post before another two months are out.

Twilight out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hooray! Photos!
Broadband is delicious.

10:42 PM  
Blogger RebeccaP said...

Wow, Jeromie, the hair!

Awesome pics, dear. Makes me want to go climb things. :)

6:11 AM  
Blogger {Liz} said...

ooooooooooh boy... you'd really betta watch it now! gah. da posture... and da posterior...

not to worry, i shall someday get revenge with my OWN son of a son of a photopost!!! star: will mccain!


9:02 AM  

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