Location: United States

Monday, January 09, 2006

Morning sickness

So I woke up this morning with a racing pulse. Seriously, it was like I was being chased by some malicious beast instead of lying in my bed. I was close to having a panic attack. I went, trembling, to my bathroom, feeling that maybe it was some sort of food poisoning and remembering how throwing up can do wonders in helping you feel better. I eventually succeeded, although I had to gag myself, and I started feeling better. I'm over it now, but I still don't know why it happened. That scares me. I mean, I'm used to mild stress and feelings of worthlessness mixed in with despair over a meaningless existence, but that has never caused my heart to race. I'm still thinking it's something I ate.

So, to sum up: the body is better now, but the mind and spirit are still a little messed up. Updates on that later.

Twilight out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't die! You haven't yet thrown down on Smash Brothers!

8:34 PM  
Blogger Hope said...

Leave it to Arnold to mention Smash Brothers at such a time.. :-P I hope you're feeling better.

Now that I think about how long it's been since I had decent internet access... you're probably completely recovered. Yay!

4:44 PM  

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