Location: United States

Monday, November 19, 2007


This past weekend I went with Kaysha and her friend Michelle to AnimeUSA in Arlington, VA. I hadn't been to an anime convention since I was back in Clemson, so I was curious how I'd react. Not surprisingly, I was kind of bored. I think that's why I stopped going in the first place. I mean, I can watch anime at home, and you can only see so many dealers rooms before they get repetitive. Maybe if I was better at talking to people, I could make friends at cons and that would make going feel worthwhile. Meh.

EDIT: There has been a big development in my life over the past weekend. I had written about it in the first version of this post, but decided that it was too soon, so I've taken it out. Have patience, friends. I'm alright.

Twilight out.
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wait with curiosity

11:45 PM  
Blogger Melvin The Barbarian said...

'big development'? You got a job in a photolab?

1:48 PM  

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