Location: United States

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Close Encounters of the 9mm Kind

So, as is the custom, I was over at Jon and Ruby's new place this past Saturday for a game of Shadowrun (and a brief run of a new, cool game called Puppetland before that). Hank had left to pick up his roommate, and we were in the midst of some inter-group roleplaying when we heard what sounded like fireworks. Five or six sharp cracks caused us all to look up from the table. Then, John and I felt a spray of drywall on our heads because a bullet had just shot through the wall.

We all hit the ground at this point, and Jon pulled out his cell phone to call 911. Someone suggested calling Hank to tell him not to come straight back, so went into the kitchen and called him up. We were all checking to make sure no one was hurt. Amazingly, no one was. We then stood up, a little confused and shaken, and decided to sit in their den until the police arrived. It took about 15-20 minutes until we heard sirens, at which point Ruby chanced a look outside. Then we all stepped out to see what had happened. Their neighbors were outside, as well, checking with other residents who had bullets come through their windows. I should point out that Jon and Ruby's apartment is on the back of the building, so the bullet had to come through an entire apartment first. Everyone we talked to was a little shaken, but amazingly, no one reported any injuries. The cop was checking the grounds and windows and told us we could go back inside and wait for him to come by for statements.

So we went back and put on some music (Wrath of the Lich King soundtrack). Jon and Ruby entertained us with stories from the Lich King expansion they had recently bought for World of Warcraft. Someone even pointed out that at least we hadn't entered combat yet in the Shadowrun game. It felt like a normal evening of hanging out with friends.

Another officer came by later to talk to Jon and Ruby. He asked why they had moved to the complex, and they told him it was because of rent. He then said they should consider moving back because it wasn't a safe area. Wonderful.

Anyway, we called Hank back and eventually got back to Shadowrun like nothing had happened, though I did push Jon to the side at one point because it was unsettling seeing him standing so close to the exit point of the bullet. I should note that when it came through, it was about six feet off the ground and about a foot to the left of where Jon was standing at the time. Meep.

Jon later told us that the cops figured it was gang-related and was actually the wrong building. There's also supposed to be a cop stationed there more often.

So, all in all, an exciting evening. Strange thing was, though I was surprised, I wasn't really freaking out about it. When we were walking to our cars, Hank even told me that I sounded unusually calm on the phone. I'm sure my mental state would have been a little different if things had been worse than they were.

And for that, I have only God to thank for His protection. He is great, even when we don't know it.

Twilight out.


Blogger Roger said...

Wow. Glad everyone's ok.

8:46 PM  
Blogger Jeromie said...

You seem to be a bit of a magnet for weird stuff lately, since the last time I was at your place we were able to witness a light post dripping fire into a puddle of flames surrounding it.

Seriously, glad to hear everyone was safe. That's really scary.

Peace of Christ, friend. We should talk soon. My last exam is tomorrow morning, and then I'm done with classes until January!

9:30 PM  

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